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Ryter is an editor on Wikipedia, and is also a Author on Fanfiction.net(where he is known as HVK) and Fictionpress.com.

The Writer


Ryter has been a writer for three years now, and exibits a preference for fanfiction, and is fairly talented in humor writing. He has a tendancy to place random jokes in his reviews, often taking the form of Simpsons spoofs, replacing characters with characters from his own invention and the Invader Zim personalites, often potraying Zim as his assistent.

Having an innate gift for writing makes it somewhat easier for him, but when he started, Ryter used some of the techniques of Dean Koontz, who he admires. It has since then evolved into his own rococo, unique, and highly amusing style. One peculiar trademark of his writing is that it never seems to cause a mild reaction;people always respond to it strongly.

Though it is his eventual ambition to become a published author, Ryter is more or less comfortable where he is as a simple write-and-post writer.



Ryter is a fairly bizarre individual, identified as having a very high trace of idiosyncratic in his personality profile; he believes in whatever he wants to, from psychic phenomona to alternate worlds in the vein of The Talisman. He also takes his Christianity seriously, even if it is a little different from the norm.

Identified with Asperger's Syndrome, Ryter more or less exemplifies most of it's higher spectrem qualities.

Delighting in nature, Ryter is highly fond of cats; he currently has a black cat in his care, and is convinced it's a mystical cat. Named Christmas for the day he found him, he daily disabuses this claim with astronomical stupidity.

Ambition would be a bad term to ascribe to him; his highest desire is to make enough to have a house built in the mountains, where he can install power and phone lines and a satilite dish, and where he can raise cats in peace.

An intelligent person, he once earned a 'Human Encyclopedia' award, and is generally considered weird, much to his delight. The term wisenheimer is a good one to apply to him.

Once taking a Personality Profile test, he learned that his primary styles include Idiosyncratic, Vigilant, Leisurely, Solitary, and surprisingly to him, Aggresive. Not surprisingly, he has low ratings in Devoted, Sensitive, and Mercurial.

A relaxed individual, Ryter has since adopted many of the tenants of the philosiphy of Bobby Halloway.



Ryter is highly fond of both Invader Zim and Calvin and Hobbes, to the point of writing a fanfiction story including both, Kingdom Crossovers. His favorite writing is that of Dean Koontz, though he also likes his own work, even if he is highly critical of it.

A few of his favorite movies include Van Helsing, the many Marvel Comic films of the last five years, Dragonheart, Dragonheart:A New Begining, Garfield, Super Mario Bros., Daredevil, X-Men 2, Hulk, The League of Extradinary Gentlemen, and many others.



Ryter's primary hobby is writing, though he is highly critical of it. He also likes reading, creative designing, and digital drawing.

Your account will be renamed


02:31, 20 March 2015 (UTC)



18:21, 22 April 2015 (UTC)